Worship Lyrics
What A Beautiful Name
You were the Word at the beginning
One with God the Lord Most High
Your hidden glory in creation
Now revealed in You our Christ
What a beautiful Name it is
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a beautiful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
You didn't want heaven without us
So Jesus You brought heaven down
My sin was great Your love was greater
What could separate us now
What a wonderful Name it is
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a wonderful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
Death could not hold You
The veil tore before You
You silence the boast of sin and grave
The heavens are roaring
The praise of Your glory
For You are raised to life again
You have no rival
You have no equal
Now and forever God You reign
Yours is the kingdom
Yours is the glory
Yours is the Name above all names
What a powerful Name it is
What a powerful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a powerful Name it is
Nothing can stand against
What a powerful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
Graves Into Gardens
I searched the world but it couldn't fill me
Man's empty praise
And treasures that fade are never enough
Then You came along
And put me back together
And every desire is now satisfied
Here in Your love
Oh there's nothing better than You
There's nothing better than You
Lord there's nothing
Nothing is better than You
I'm not afraid to show You my weakness
My failures and flaws
Lord You've seen them all
And You still call me friend
'Cause the God of the mountain
Is the God of the valley
There's not a place
Your mercy and grace won't find me again
Oh there's nothing better than You
There's nothing better than You
Lord there's nothing
Nothing is better than You
You turn mourning to dancing
You give beauty for ashes
You turn shame into glory
You're the only one who can
You turn graves into gardens
You turn bones into armies
You turn seas into highways
You're the only one who can
Oh there's nothing better than You
There's nothing better than You
Lord there's nothing
Nothing is better than You
This I Believe
Our Father everlasting
The all creating One
God Almighty
Through Your Holy Spirit
Conceiving Christ the Son
Jesus our Saviour
I believe in God our Father
I believe in Christ the Son
I believe in the Holy Spirit
Our God is three in One
I believe in the resurrection
That we will rise again
For I believe in the Name of Jesus
Our judge and our defender
Suffered and crucified
Forgiveness is in You
Descended into darkness
You rose in glorious life
Forever seated high
I believe in God our Father
I believe in Christ the Son
I believe in the Holy Spirit
Our God is three in One
I believe in the resurrection
That we will rise again
For I believe in the Name of Jesus
I believe in You
I believe You rose again
I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord
I believe in life eternal
I believe in the virgin birth
I believe in the saints' communion
And in Your holy Church
I believe in the resurrection
When Jesus comes again
For I believe in the Name of Jesus
King Of Kings
AIn the darkness we were waiting
Without hope without light
Till from Heaven You came running
There was mercy in Your eyes
To fulfil the law and prophets
To a virgin came the Word
From a throne of endless glory
To a cradle in the dirt
Praise the Father, Praise the Son
Praise the Spirit three in one
God of Glory, Majesty
Praise forever to the King of kings
To reveal the kingdom coming
And to reconcile the lost
To redeem the whole creation
You did not despise the cross
For even in Your suffering
You saw to the other side
Knowing this was our salvation
Jesus for our sake You died
And the morning that You rose
All of heaven held its breath
Till that stone was moved for good
For the Lamb had conquered death
And the dead rose from their tombs
And the angels stood in awe
For the souls of all who'd come
To the Father are restored
And the Church of Christ was born
Then the Spirit lit the flame
Now this Gospel truth of old
Shall not kneel shall not faint
By His blood and in His Name
In His freedom I am free
For the love of Jesus Christ
Who has resurrected me
Christ Is Risen
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
For I once was lost but now I'm found
Was blind but now I see
Hallelujah Christ is risen from the grave
Hallelujah Christ is risen from the grave
The prodigal is welcomed home
The sinner now a saint
For the God who died came back to life
And everything has changed
Hallelujah Christ is risen from the grave
Hallelujah Christ is risen from the grave
O death where is your sting
O fear where is your power
The mighty King of kings has disarmed you
Delivered and redeemed eternal life is ours
O praise His name forever
Hallelujah Christ is risen from the grave
Hallelujah Christ is risen from the grave
And all throughout eternity
Our song will be the same
Hallelujah Christ is risen from the grave
And on the day You call me in
To heaven's sweet embrace
I'll see Your scars Your open arms
The beauty of Your face
Through tears of joy
I'll lift my voice in everlasting praise
Hallelujah Christ is risen from the grave
Your Great Name
Lost are saved find their way
At the sound of Your great Name
All condemned feel no shame
At the sound of Your great Name
Ev'ry fear has no place
At the sound of Your great Name
The enemy he has to leave
At the sound of Your great Name
Jesus worthy is the Lamb
That was slain for us
The Son of God and man
You are high and lifted up
And all the world will praise
Your great Name
All the weak find their strength
At the sound of Your great Name
Hungry souls receive grace
At the sound of Your great Name
The fatherless find their rest
At the sound of Your great Name
The sick are healed the dead are raised
At the sound of Your great Name
Redeemer my Healer Lord Almighty
Defender my Savior You are my King
Redeemer my Healer Lord Almighty
Defender my Savior You are my King
Jesus worthy is the Lamb
That was slain for us
The Son of God and man
You are high and lifted up
And all the world will praise
Your great Name