Join Us for Church
Join us on Sundays at 8am & 9:30am and Wednesdays at 7pm. We have outdoor seating available on Sundays and offer Children's Ministry and Youth Groups at our 9:30am service and Wednesday evening service. Our services are streamed from our website,
Facebook, and our Beachside App. You can also call and listen to the services live at 714-465-3010.
Marriage Matters
Join us for “Marriage Matters” on Friday evening, June 25th, at 7:00pm at Calvary Chapel Beachside (in the café). Childcare will be provided.
All Church Potluck
Join us on Wednesday, June 30th @ 6pm (until 8pm), as we kick off the summer with an all church potluck in the courtyard. Bring your favorite dish or side dish to share, we will provide all the drinks and supplies.
Summer Fellowship Groups
Vacation Bible School - June 28-July 2
Sign your kids up today for VBS which is June 28th - July 2nd, 9am to noon, with the theme “TREASURED – Discovering You’re Priceless to God”. The cost is $25 per child and pre-registration is required. -Register HERE today!
Shine - Moms & Kids
Moms & grandmas with kids or teenagers are invited to join us
Tuesdays at 10am - HB State Beach @ Newland Street
Fridays 10am-noon at Bauer Park in HB
We will not meeting VBS week (June 28th-July 2nd). For more info call the church office or visit Instagram: @shine_moms_group​
Young Adults Group
Tuesdays 6:30-8:00pm & Monthly in the Church Cafe. If you, or someone you know, are a young adult looking to be encouraged and strengthened in your faith, we are starting to meet weekly for discipleship, fellowship, and prayer. Our next monthly fellowship night is July 16th at 7pm in the cafe. For more information talk with Robert or Danielle Melendes or call the church office.
Youth Groups
9:30am on Sundays. JH in youth room & HS in Cafe. Also, the first Sunday of every month we have all the teens sit with their families in the main service for worship, Bible study, and communion.
7:00pm on Wednesdays in the café, June 2nd thru June 23rd. Fellowship, worship, snacks, God's Word and small groups. Come and get connected.
Youth Summer Camps
​This year we are heading up to a cabin in Big Bear to grow in our faith and fellowship. Details and information coming soon.
Jr. High Camp: July 18th - 21st
High School Camp: July 21st - 24th
Intercessory Prayer
We have a prayer team that is available to hear you, pray for you and encourage you on Thursday mornings from 11:00am - 12:30pm in the sanctuary (private & confidential).
Men's Prayer Watch
We would like to encourage you men to come out on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30pm, in the youth room, for a time of prayer and praise. We would also like to welcome anyone to receive prayer and be anointed with oil (James 5:14-15).
Meals Ministry Sign-up's
If you are looking for an opportunity to serve and be a blessing to those in need; the meals ministry is looking for more volunteers to be an extension of God's grace and love by providing meals for those in need due to illness, bed rest, birth, death, etc... If you are interested, please call the church office or email us at
Update Your Info
Please take a minute to help Calvary Beachside keep your information up to date. Click here to fill out the form. After you are done, you need to go to your Email and verify that the information is correct.
Cleaning Crew
If you have any time on Thursday mornings from 9:00-10:30am to help out our cleaning crew, please give the church office a call for information.